Manual installation of CMRJack You can copy all the program files into a folder of your choice. A simple way to do install is to unzip the file. It will put the program files where you desire, and establish the correct folder structure. CMRJack is a 32 bit program so it should be installed in the Program Files(X86) folder if you want to put it in a standard location. However, it will work fine from other folders as well. The folder with CMRJack.exe should contain the following files: CMRJAck.exe CMRJack.pdf CMRJack.chm gsk8iccs.dll iucdt49.dll icuin49.dll icuuc49.dll spssio32.dll spssjdio.dll zlib123spss1.dll readme.txt Also, the folder cdata must be located in the folder where CMRJack.exe is It should contain the following files: $SQL$FUN CTIONS.nx1 $SQL$PROCEDURES.nx1 $SQL$TRIGGERS.nx1 nxTrans.cfg IGME2021.nx1 Neonatal.nx1 SexRatioEstimates.nx1 SexRaioSources.nx1 Extradata.xlsx MLT.CSV Two files must be copied to the SPSS extension folder for CMRJack to be called from SPSS. Those are the CALLJACK.xml and the The SPSS extension folder may be located several places, depending on the version of SPSS. In SPSS versions 23 and above the folder will be C:\ProgramData\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\27\extensions or C:\Program Files\IBM\SPSS\Statistics\27\extensions 'although it seems that the first is the preferred one. The number (27) should correspond to the SPSS version that you have. In earlier versions of SPSS the Programdata folder is not used, only the Program files one. The interface between CMRJack and SPSS is handled with Python. However, SPSS changed Python version from 2 to 3 with SPSS version 27. Thus if, if you have SPSS 27 or above you will need to copy CALLJack.xml and from the Py3 folder rather than the Py2 folder. To be able to run CMRJack from SPSS you have to start up CMRJack once as an ordinary program. This is because it needs to set the registry entry that tells SPSS where it is located.